Plant Healthy Certification Scheme

Help safeguard your business and our countryside from destructive plant pests and diseases

To apply for membership to the Plant Healthy Certification Scheme contact an appointed Certification Body by clicking here

Aims of the Certification Scheme

  • Reduce the risk of introducing / spreading destructive plant pests via plant supply chains (trade).
  • Protect the horticulture industry, other cultivated plants and natural habitats.
  • To easily identify businesses or organisations that grow, trade and manage plants to high standards of plant health and biosecurity

Background to the Certification Scheme

To counter the threat from plant pests, Defra’s Plant Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain (2014) proposed the development of certification schemes to improve biosecurity in the UK horticultural sector.

The Plant Health Management Standard - which sets out the requirements to be met by scheme registrants - was developed by specialists from industry, government and the third sector. The Plant Healthy Certification Scheme is based on the Plant Health Management Standard.

Technical Advisory Group - scheme improvement

A key aspect of an effective scheme is for it to be based on a Standard that is periodically reviewed and improved. This ensures that the requirements are fit-for-purpose and based on the latest evidence. Periodic reviews of the Plant Health Management Standard will be carried out by a Technical Advisory Group.

Malcolm Catlin is the Project Director for the Plant Healthy Certification Scheme - for general questions about the scheme please contact Malcolm.